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  • PCTI Study Report Summary

    To read the Final Report and Progress Reports released during the PCTI Pedestrian Safety/Mobility Study conducted in 2010-11, visit the PCTI Final Report & Progress Reports page.

    History of the PCTI initiative

    The Oakland community has the highest concentration of academic and medical institutions in the region and state. It has a daytime population of over 100,000 workers, students and visitors mingling with over 60,000 automobiles passing through on its two main arterials – Fifth Avenue and Forbes Avenue. The Oakland Transportation Management Association (OTMA) recognizes that a smart transportation system should consider the infrastructure necessary to support multi-modal access, including walking, bicycling, transit, and private automobiles. Safety and mobility for all pedestrians, motorists, transit users and bikers have been constant concerns in the Oakland community.

    Oakland has set a precedent for successful completion of smart transportation projects to achieve the goals of mobility and safety for all users of their main arterials. The Schenley Plaza restoration and the Hometown Streets project were examples of innovative ways to address transportation challenges and enhance the quality of life in the Oakland. The Schenley Plaza restoration transformed a parking lot into its original use: a grand entrance to Schenley Park from Oakland and the Hometown Streets and Safe Routes to School Pedestrian Safety and Mobility Improvement project targeted eleven (11) intersections along Forbes Avenue and Fifth Avenue to install pedestrian countdown signals, curb extensions, wider and more visible crosswalks, enhanced lighting and planting for traffic calming. These projects balanced the needs of pedestrians with the needs of vehicular traffic, bikers and public transit by utilizing functional design objectives. The projects focused first and foremost on safety, followed by convenience and aesthetics.

    Pedestrian Safety Mobility Study details >