The last Public Meeting was held July 17, 2017, from 5-7pm at Carnegie Mellon University. Download presentation | Download map of project area

  • Principles of the study

    The proposed study of a smart transportation project in the Oakland-CMU area will incorporate the following smart transportation principles:

    Emphasizes context sensitive design elements – Smart transportation improvements implemented in this area would need to be blended into the fabric of both the campus and adjacent community, a dense urban neighborhood. Implementation of smart transportation improvements that complement land use planning activities would result in optimal living/working/learning conditions for the diverse population of this area. Appropriate multi-modal improvements would serve not only the university population but also the surrounding community, which is characterized by many pedestrian, bike and transit trips that currently occur.

    Enhances the local roadway network – Forbes and Fifth Avenues in this area are laid out on a grid pattern with multiple route choices for motorists, pedestrians and bikers. Traffic calming, mobility and safety enhancements would serve to intensify the travel options throughout this network for all users, including both persons originating in or destined for the area and persons traveling through the area. This work would build on the substantial enhancements that have already taken place, as described above.

    < Study details | Principles of the study (cont.) >